What is Closed-Loop Hydrocarbon Extraction Systems


There’s several methods of closed loop extraction floating around, however none are a baseline.

This is the best way to operate a closed loop & locking off columns as an option can be used as well as boosting hot vapor to the top of the column. Inexperienced users should follow these instructions to ensure success in quality, proper extractions & rapid recovery.

There may be several companies that offer different methods, however non are a baseline. This is the best way to operate a closed loop and locking off columns as a option can be use as well as boosting hot vapor to the top of the column. As a beginner you should follow these steps to the dot if you want success in quality, proper extractions, and rapid recovery. Closed loop system equipment in order of connection:

– solvent tank to top of column
– collection column to filter drier
– filter drier to pump
– pump to chiller coil
– chiller coil to solvent tank

There may also be a available bypass between the coil and feed line with a valve. This is uses for numerous purposes. The idea to remove the manifold and create a better feeding solution allows with this bypass to convert a throughput system in this manner to a looping system.

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